I am too stingy to pay for tickets to Gardens by the Bay's Tulipmania and have, never in my life, ever seen a real tulip in front of me until my recent trip to Bangkok.
Technically, i chanced upon them before my flight to Bangkok; right in the exciting departure hall of Changi International Airport Terminal One! Don't you just love our airport; innovation never stops and there's always something new to pique our interest!
It would be a win-win situation if the event is related to aviation and this was precisely the case; Singapore Airlines would be flying to Amsterdam on 09 May via the newest A350.
Snippets of information on bulbous plants were on display and i sure didn't know there were over 3,000 varieties of tulips; there's even a tulip named after Singapore!
There weren't a lot yet sufficient enough to create a deep impression for ignorant me. Given that i might not see another tulip for a long time after this, i had to bring my nose closer and give the flower a deep sniff - a nice and light fragrance.
Sadly, Tulip Times officially ended on 30 April, after a run of about a month. Well, the good news is that there shall be another exhibition replacing Tulip Times and who knows, it might just wow everyone!